¿Which body does psychoanalysis speak about?


  • Diana Patricia Villa Delgado
  • Melissa Montañez Holguín
  • Melissa Montañez Holguín


Body, Demand, Desire, Cosmetic surgery, Imaginary, Image, Object, Symbolic, Drive.


This article is the product of the research project “Cosmetic Surgery: Between Demand and Desire,” which seeks to identify the subjective determinants of cosmetic surgery. The article illustrates the theories that introduce the concept of the body to psychoanalysis, in which the body becomes a psychic reality in the sense that it is constructed: in psychoanalysis the body and the organism are considered to be separate entities. Image is not enough; the introduction of the “significant” is required. It is the “Other” that reserves a place for the subject, and from there the body is affected. I add, the article presents the subjective factors that help determine desires for esthetic surgery on a case-by-case basis. The article assesses an interview conducted during the project with a person who underwent rhinoplasty in order to find out the main subjective elements that determined this decision.

Author Biographies

  • Diana Patricia Villa Delgado

    Psicóloga Universidad San Buenaventura Medellín. Especialista en niños con énfasis en Psicoanálisis Universidad de Antioquia Medellín. Investigadora Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda. 

  • Melissa Montañez Holguín

    Psicóloga, Universidad Católica Popular de Risaralda. Colombia. Aspirante a Magister en Investigación Psicoanalítica, Universidad Argentina Jhon F. Kennedy/Buenos Aires. Docente Catedrática para el programa de Derecho de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina.

  • Melissa Montañez Holguín

    Psicóloga, Universidad Católica Popular de Risaralda. Colombia. Aspirante a Magister en Investigación Psicoanalítica, Universidad Argentina Jhon F. Kennedy/Buenos Aires. Docente Catedrática para el programa de Derecho de la Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina.






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