The family school: notes on the systematization process of the educational experience


  • Mireya Ospina Botero
  • Alex Vanderbilt Martínez


Experience systematization, Family school, Education practices.


For a little over 8 years, the Popular Catholic University of Risaralda has been developing an educational process with the families of its students, through the service provided by its family center. The initiative is called "Family School" has been one of the banners of the center, for the accompaniment and advice to hundreds of parents in their desire to learn to build better relationships with their spouses and children.

A concern present in the family center is the one related to the reflection and qualification of what is done there, and with this purpose it proposed to systematize the experience of the School as a way to identify what is behind almost a decade of work and what lessons can be gleaned to enable improved practice.

The family center carries out the systematization process since February 2009 in a project entitled “Systematization of the Educational Experience with Family. Case of the Family School at UCPR ”. In this edition, we share with the readers of the Pages magazine the main elements that the systematization has allowed to visualize.

Author Biographies

  • Mireya Ospina Botero

    Profesional en Desarrollo Familiar. Psicóloga Social. Magister en Educación y Desarrollo Humano. Especialista en Psicoterapia y Consultoría Sistémica. 

  • Alex Vanderbilt Martínez

    Sociólogo. Especialista en Gestión Comunitaria. 






Temas Generales