Didactic proposal for the teaching of economics. Part II


  • Gerardo Antonio Buchelli Lozano
  • Armando Gil Ospina


Didactics, Learning, Teaching, Teaching of economics


This article briefly illustrates the history of didactics and of the multiple notions that have been put forward from various perspectives. The article also discusses some of the most important teaching developments and gives an explanation of the relationship between dialectics and learning.

The article presents some general ideas regarding the teaching of economics, invites a reflection on students' learning, and presents a particular strategy that has been put in place in the UCPR Economics Department: professor and student research groups.

Author Biographies

  • Gerardo Antonio Buchelli Lozano

    Profesor Auxiliar del Programa de Economía e integrante del Grupo de Investigación Crecimiento Económico y Desarrollo de la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda. 

  • Armando Gil Ospina

    Profesor Asociado II del Programa de Economía y Líder del Grupo de Investigación Crecimiento Económico y Desarrollo de la Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda. 






Temas Generales