Immersion in social problems of civically organized populations for creating industrial design academic projects


  • Félix Augusto Cardona Olaya
  • Viviana Rasero López


Social projection, Pedagogical experiences, Social design, Prosaic social heritage


Social projection allows the creation of meaningful educational experiences from Industrial Design academic spaces, like the subject of Social Design Workshop, where the disciplinary knowledge confluence for the creation and representation of projects that affect existing communities with a reflection on the social outlook of Colombia. The article describes the accomplishments of the pedagogical experience, with the objective of describing the applicability of the participatory and prospective design approach of the professional practice, with a high burden of social sensitivity and the recovery of material culture as fundamental elements for a relevant and contextualized social design.

Author Biographies

  • Félix Augusto Cardona Olaya

    Diseñador Industrial, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Especialista en Organización Industrial, Universidad de Zaragoza, España; Especialista en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano, Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda. Docente Auxiliar del programa de Diseño Industrial e investigador del grupo Diseño, Tecnología y Cultura de Universidad Católica de Pereira

  • Viviana Rasero López

    Trabajadora Social, Universidad de Caldas; Magíster en Desarrollo del Talento Humano, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira. Directora del Departamento de
    Bienestar Social Laboral de la Universidad Católica de Pereira. Presidenta de la Corporación Amigos y vecinos del río Consota, COVARIC.






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