Moral hazard in the diet of taxable social security system general health of Colombia


  • Armando Gil Ospina Teacher
  • Harold Martínez Jaramillo Teacher


Health Economics, Asymmetric information, Co-payment, Moderator fee


This article discusses one of the most common problems in the health sector, specifically the general social security system (SGSSS) in Colombia, referred to risk morale.

The objective of the study is to focus on the existence of the moral hazard in the contributory system, which generates a shared payment mechanism (co-payment, moderator fee, among others) and that affects in particular the conditions of equity of affiliated persons, in addition to generating inefficiency in the operation of the health services.

Throughout this text it is shown briefly, the theoretical debate whether or not to the establishment of the of co-payments mechanism to access medical services in general.

Author Biographies

  • Armando Gil Ospina, Teacher

    Docente del programa de Economía e integrante del grupo de investigación “Crecimiento Económico y Desarrollo”, adscrito a la facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas (UCP). 

  • Harold Martínez Jaramillo, Teacher

    Docente del programa de Economía e integrante del grupo de investigación “Crecimiento Económico y Desarrollo”, adscrito a la facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas (UCP). 






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