Rural Planning Units: ¿An alternative for regional development? The Rio Mapa´s Multipurpose Damming case


  • Carlos Eduardo Rincón González


Rural planning units, Regional and territorial plan, Land use management.


This text is intended to analyze an application case of the Rural Planning Units (RPUs) instrument, in the context of the prefeasibility study completion for the regional development project: The Rio Mapa´s Multipurpose Damming in the municipalities of Santuario (Risaralda) and Viterbo (Caldas). Efforts were made to identify the scope and potential of this planning tool, and the limitations placed in terms of territorial planning and regional development. It was found that the UPR allowed making viable the Territorial Occupation Model on a legal and regulatory level, but not financially; consequently the UPR is not an alternative but a necessary condition, not sufficient enough for regional development.

Author Biography

  • Carlos Eduardo Rincón González

    Arquitecto Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Especialista en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano Universidad Católica de Pereira, Magister en Hábitat Universidad Nacional de Colombia Profesor Asistente de la Universidad Católica de Pereira. Miembro Grupo de Investigación “GAU: Hábitat Cultura y Región” de la . Facultad de Arquitectura y Diseño.






Estudios Regionales