Another look from the neighborhood for the prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation of children and adolescents


  • Mireya Ospina Botero
  • Alex Antonio Vanderbilt Martínez


Neighborhood, Community organizations, Abuse prevention and sexual exploitation, Patronage.


This article shows the organizational and management path of the Community 9 of the municipality of Dosquebradas, beyond the stigma that operates from outside suburban geographies and the popular extraction communities causing devaluation, ignorance and prejudice over the potential and possibilities of transformation that can have the human groups living there. The ordinary vision is questioned regarding the characterization of popular habitat. At the end, an overview of the resources and opportunities for action community is presented, as part of the research process carried out by the investigative line in Family and Community Development by the Family Center at the Catholic University of Pereira, during the years 2010 and 2011.

Author Biographies

  • Mireya Ospina Botero

    Directora Centro de Familia UCP. Maestría en Educación y Desarrollo Humano, CINDE. Especialista en Psicoterapia y Consultoría Sistémica, Universidad de Manizales.

  • Alex Antonio Vanderbilt Martínez

    Sociólogo Universidad de Antioquia. Candidato a Magister en Sociedades Rurales. Universidad de Caldas.






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