Software development process characterization in Colombia: A view from SMEs producers


  • Luis Eduardo Peláez Valencia
  • Alonso Toro Lazo
  • José Fernando López Restrepo
  • Alejandro Ramírez Medina


Software engineering, Quality standards, IEEE, CMMI.


Countries today are being more immerse in globalization, creating a necessity for companies to improve their processes in order to take their products to an international level; however, to achieve this goal, the final product must have a high quality level. This research aims to share the results obtained for the software development quality characterizing process in Colombia, where great difficulties were found when applying good engineering practices that enable domestic producers to achieve better scores compared to widely recognized quality models. The analysis is intended to be considered as a future model for local, national or international software engineering development projects

Author Biographies

  • Luis Eduardo Peláez Valencia

    Profesor asistente de la Facultad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería UCP.

  • Alonso Toro Lazo

    Ingeniero de sistemas y telecomunicaciones UCP. Joven Investigador Grupo de investigación TICS.

  • José Fernando López Restrepo

    Ingeniero de sistemas y telecomunicaciones. CARDER Corporación Autónoma Regional del Risaralda (2011-2012).

  • Alejandro Ramírez Medina

    Ingeniero de sistemas y telecomunicaciones. SOCÓ desarrolladores (2011-2012).






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