Work-family Conflict: Psychosocial Risk or Occupational Health f Workers f o


  • Adaneys Álvarez Ramírez
  • Jesús Roberto Guerra Tesla


Work-Family conflict, Occupational health, Psychosocial risk.


Shows the socio-cultural changes that have transformed the work and family, change has contributed to the restructuring of the roles played by men and women having as consequence the increase of demands (time, strain) of the job and family role. Becomes incompatible devote the time and effort evenly between family and work so it appears the work-family conflict, the conflict is a psychological risk to people and has influences within occupational health. We discuss the current state against the concept of work-family conflict and psychosocial risk factors and the prevailing paradigm that influences the intervention of these risks, and opens the way for research on reconciliation

Author Biographies

  • Adaneys Álvarez Ramírez

    Psicóloga Universidad del Valle, Cali. Magíster en Psicología con énfasis en Psicología Organizacional y del Trabajo, Universidad del Valle. Docente investigadora de la Universidad Católica .

  • Jesús Roberto Guerra Tesla

    * Estudiante de Psicología, Universidad Católica de Pereira. Residente Línea de Investigación Calidad de Vida Laboral. Universidad Católica de Pereira.






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