Historical Overview of Education


  • Esther Julia Castaño Gónzález


Education,, History, Culture, Knowledge, School.


This text makes recognition to the importance of education and sets up the necessity to look at its history, with the mission of improving all forms of education, which sometimes are implemented without contextualization and analysis of the environment. The most representative aspects are covered, from prehistory up to the twentieth century, and outlines the twenty first century, for which it is necessary to open a specific chapter. This journey discusses how the birth of scholasticism was and why our education system today follows that fragmented line which explains men in separate from geography, mathematics, history and biology

Author Biography

  • Esther Julia Castaño Gónzález

    Comunicadora Social – Periodista y Especialista en Comunicación Organizacional, Universidad Autónoma de Occidente, Cali; Magister en Educación: Desarrollo Humano Universidad de San Buenaventura, Cali. Magister y candidata a Doctor en Relaciones Internacionales, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de España. Docente investigadora, Universidad Católica de Pereira.






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