Religiosity, radicalism and violence in Colombia


  • Yulman Fernando Arias Betancur


Religion, Social Conflict, Catholicism, Bipartisanship


Between religion and violence there is a historical connection it is important to construct in the socialcultural core of all people. It is therefore appropriate to deepen the situational complexity that frames the presence of violence in the midst of religious dynamics and their conjugation with the political, economic, social and cultural dimension. In Colombia, talk about the influence of religion in the social climate of violence, refers to the moments of consolidation of state from earlier centuries; so the violence, and its intrinsic variables, can appear, from progressive social and historical processes. This deserves to propound stages that result in the breaking of the unfavorable interaction of religion as a factor of violence

Author Biography

  • Yulman Fernando Arias Betancur

    Licenciado en Ciencias Religiosas y Especialista en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano, de la Universidad Católica de Pereira; Docente investigador, en la Universidad Católica de Pereira y miembro de la red de investigadores del Observatorio para la Diversidad Religiosa y de las Culturas en América Latina y el Caribe (ODREC).






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