Science and religion today: notes and perspectives


  • Andrés Torres Queiruga Doctor


Once again, this is certainly an important issue but one that should ultimately be considered resolved. Resolved in principle, as for the fundamental clarification, which should take it out of the field of polemic for that of dialogue and collaboration. It happens with him as Nietzsche used to say about certain stars: that we continue to see them shine when they have been dead for a long time. And, in this context, Karl Rahner said that we should not forget that we live "together with backward descendants of the 19th century" ... even with some who present themselves with the appearance of progress.

Author Biography

  • Andrés Torres Queiruga, Doctor

    Doctor en teología y filosofía, profesor de filosofía de la religión en la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela. Miembro numerario de la Real Academia Galega. Miembro de los consejos de redacción de Iglesia viva y Concilium. Miembro del Comité Científico de la Revista Académica e Institucional, Páginas de la UCP






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