Didactics: Approaches to a characterized concept for virtual education


  • Diana Carolina Calvo Marín
  • Daniel Humberto Ospina Ospina
  • Luis Eduardo Peláez Valencia


Learning, Virtuality, Teaching, Didactic Strategies.


This article offers a theoretical and reflexive notion of didactics conceptions, as well as the dilemmas of their development up to present day. These transformations are essential today with the growth of virtual education. The challenge facing virtual education lies in the construction of a new model that allows re-concepting the processes of teaching and learning from virtuality. In a technological era like today, education takes the challenge of virtuality, in which the participation of the three components of the educational triangle (teachers, students, and concept) must rethink and adapt to the educational practices that are developed in these new spaces

Author Biographies

  • Diana Carolina Calvo Marín

    Diana Carolina Calvo Marín, Licenciada en Educación, Español y Comunicación, Especialista en Edumática y Magister en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano de la Universidad Católica de Pereira.

  • Daniel Humberto Ospina Ospina

    Daniel Humberto Ospina Ospina, Ingeniero de alimentos, Especialista en Edumática y Magister en Pedagogía y Desarrollo Humano de la Universidad Católica de Pereira.

  • Luis Eduardo Peláez Valencia

    Luis Eduardo Peláez Valencia, Ingeniero de Sistemas, Especialista en propiedad intelectual: propiedad industrial, derechos de autor y nuevas tecnologías, Magíster en ingeniería del software.






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