The importance of the links between research, formation and metaphysics: an invitation towards virtue


  • Wilmas De Jesús Acevedo Gómez


Virtue, Metaphysics, Research, Formation.


This article reflects on the virtue, as a choosing and operating habit proposed by Aristotle, consisting on a relative average term to us, determined by reason and that one which a wise man would decide on. Through this proposal, perfect harmony is found by the doing and being, and its relationship allows man to act in accordance with his thinking towards good. This case, which for many is part of a simple rhetoric, ends up being the core of the links among metaphysics, research and formation.

Author Biography

  • Wilmas De Jesús Acevedo Gómez

    icenciado en filosofía. Magíster en Filosofía, énfasis en ética de la UPB de Medellín. Profesor Asociado I de la Universidad Católica de Pereira, programa: Departamento de Humanidades. Miembro del grupo de investigación El Fenómeno Religioso.






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