It tells life, not death
Autobiography, Metafiction, Narrator, Narrate, FictionAbstract
In this critical essay are analyzed three aspects which correspond to the aesthetics of Paula novel, written by Isabel Allende, namely: the autobiographical element. This is an autobiographical work given that within it are found real data that include fragments of Isabel Allende’s life. However, according to the synopsis, there is some imagination in the story and that is exactly why the story is a fiction supported on the pillar of literary creation, the language. Regarding metafiction, the narrator provides constant reflections on the creation of Isabel Allende´s works, on the very fact of writing and the origin of many of her stories and novels. Finally, as for the first-person narrator, this stands as an expression of an interior reminiscent, but it also expresses a distressing present before a fact as heartbreaking as it is the death of a daughter, Paula’s death.