Trends of architecture in the information and innovation eraEste artículo es una reflexión sobre las tendencias de la arquitectura en la era de la información e innovación. Se presenta a través de una serie de apartados que, en buena medida, recogen los p
Disciplinary trends for architecture, teaching of architecture.Abstract
This article is a reflection about the trends of architecture in the information and innovation era. It is presented through a series of paragraphs that, in a good way, collect the more relevant approaches about the production and teaching of architecture, in the national and international context. This reflection can be understood as a reference to stablish a direction about the same teaching of the discipline and checking the professional. It stands as a common element in universities –subject of study- a teaching of the discipline in correspondence with the changes generated to the environment and according to other social practices. This turn makes evidence in the increasing incorporation of study centers or urban and rural labs as real knowledge spaces.