The university teacher, professor and master
University, teacher, professor, master.Abstract
To understand clearly the difference between the idea of teacher, professor and master is necessary to start with the question about the ideal of university that you wish: What kind of university do we want, and by that, what kinds of students and teachers? In first place sets the vision of university teacher as a professor, which comes from believe in a compromise and responsibility first of all with the truth, its search depends over all of academic community that accompanies and stimulates in his compromise. Critical reflection arises over the trend to privilege the transmission of disciplinary knowledge, as starting point to understand the mission of the teacher as master, especially in universities that have named of third generation. The master has to search untiringly the truth, as the target to do of each student a complete and solidary person, his job focuses in training, helping the student to give shape his life project. The master doesn´t work only with knowledge but with wisdom. It is because of that he depends of his life path that allows him to achieve the proverb “Nothing requires the master to the disciple that haven’t he required to himself ”.