Study of the trends of regional development 2015


  • Dra. Natalia González Echeverri
  • Dr. Juan Carlos Muñoz Montaño
  • Dr. Mario Alberto Gaviria Ríos
  • Dr. Jaime Montoya Ferrer
  • James Andres Barrera Moncada
  • Diego Fernando Arias Mateus
  • Mónica María Gomez Hermida
  • Hector Cordoba Vargas
  • Julián Andrés Burgos Suárez
  • Jaime Flórez Bolaños
  • Ángela Patricia Cadavid Vélez
  • Yulman Fernando Arias Betancur
  • Ana Sofía Gaviria Cano
  • María Ceneida Alfonso Fernández
  • Natalia González Echeverri
  • Lady Carolina Pareja Giraldo
  • Santiago Castaño Duque
  • Santiago Castaño Duque
  • Lucia Ruíz Granada


Development trends, regional prospective, science – technology – innovation, communication and culture, religious culture, habitat and environment, socioeconomics, demography, organizational and business development, enterprise, foreign trade


This analysis of the tendencies of the regional development raises a proposal for a future based on the study of the different dynamics of regional impact variables, according to the guidelines that they have been following. The study allows the university to be part of future creation and to achieve, by this research, to determine the trends and use all its knowledge for the creation of possible and desirable scenarios in order to be more competitive and influence in a positive way, region’s development






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