Efectos de la guerra en las representaciones sociales de un grupo sobre su territorio: Las palabras de las víctimas
Social representation, war, group, territoryAbstract
This article questions the direct effects that had the war in Colombia, effects that are linked to the way social groups represent the territory they inhabit, and are related to the ways of knowing, understand, perceive, believe, speak, feel and interpret. This is part of a theoretical conceptualization of social representation, characteristics and elements that constitute it. Subsequently we carried out an approach to social representations of the inhabitants of their territory to do so based on their own statements and speeches, where it is possible to show the significant change in the way that they perceive, interpret and think your space before and after of an event of war, which also involves changes in relationships and establishing ties with others, to themselves, left the territory and the place where they currently live, where the truth about what happened has become the principal Order by those who consider themselves victims of these tragic events, on the other side who have not received by the State or the National Commission for Reparation and Reconciliation, a clear and precise answer, it shows what happens in a country where the truth remains a matter less and less accurate.
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