Elementos para una reflexión educativa y pedagógica en la Universidad.

  • Edgar Diego Erazo Caicedo
Keywords: educate, the educational fact, the teacher, the teachable subject, epistemology of the pedagogy, formation, education, learning, anthropologic condition, teleological condition, methodological condition, project of society, life project


The present article tries gets to contribute a few categories that emerge of the pedagogic contemporary theory, in order to contribute to the educational and pedagogic reflection that the universities of Colombia are doing to him in these moments in which, the determinants of normative national character have led to serious questions concerning the manners in which there were understanding and obtained the pedagogic practices and the curricula in the most top education, which supposes a critique that is located over both constructos (practices and curriculum), that is to say, in the plane epistemológico, in order to generate new comprehensions of the educational thing (especially to university level) and the pedagogic thing.


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