On pedagogies, curricula and didactics, a recent institutional tour.

  • Edgar Diego Erazo Caicedo
Keywords: Formation, pedagogical proposal, curricular bases, didactical transposition, meaningful learning, competences, problematic nucleus.


“La Universidad Católica Popular del Risaralda”, facing the challenges that the quality of education supposes, has been working hard in the construction of a new academic model, on the base of a solid pedagogical reflection that turns around the concept of formation, understanding it as a self-formative action of the subject, facing his life project and how competent he could be as a professional. There the University is conceived as a support for the students and teachers for them to accomplish such personal and social mission. This educational concept is developed in the Pedagogical proposal, in the curricular bases, and in the debates that are done about didactics. The article takes these three moments and starting from them explicit some argumentations about key concepts that took place in this stage, such as meaningful learning, teachers formation, problematic nucleus, competences and didactical transposition.


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