Natural resources and the involvement of design and the community as a method for environmental solutions

  • Jeison Armando Clavijo Enciso Estudiante
Keywords: Natural resources, industrial design, environmental responsibility, responsible consumption


Natural resources are important for both the environment and the beings who inhabit it, especially air, water and soil, essential to sustain life, is why it should be preserved, however, society current, is characterized by a marked consumption linked to industrialized countries, but sometimes repeated by developing areas (coffee-case) in which the irresponsible practices accentuate the deterioration of renewable and nonrenewable natural resources; is where the design must participate and engage communities, promoting the creation of inclusive solutions.


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Author Biography

Jeison Armando Clavijo Enciso, Estudiante

Estudiante de 9 semestre, diseño ambiental, segundo semestre lectivo de 2013 del programa de Diseño Industrial de la Universidad Católica de Pereira.


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