Procesos de intervención y transformación con Inteligencia Territorial. Stlocus y Territorii en la caja de herramientas
Projects, action research, transformation, territorial intelligenceAbstract
Positioned in a perspective that combines action research, this paper aims to establish a dialogue between objects and tools in the context of an emerging scientific paradigm: the Territorial Intelligence. It aims both to the identification of heterogeneous Intervention and Transformation Process in Territorial Intelligence, as a reflection on the methodological toolbox-Stlocus and Territorii implemented. The ongoing challenge is to do science with the people and for the people, so that co-constructed by study objects -wider-, intervention objects –more bounded -, and transformation objects –even more bounded-, felt, perceived and appropriated results by people, in short, subjects of our objects. This refers to projects where applications are very diverse in order to provide arguments about where these tools are more relevant and where they are not.
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