Design research: a strategy for preservation of identity and crafts tradition


  • Claudia Isabel Rojas Rodríguez
  • Henry Enrique García Solano


knowledgeKnowledge dialogue, craftsman, designer, action research


This paper focuses on the theoretical and methodological elements that guided the development of the research project with artisan communities, entitled ¿How to preserve the richness of craftsmanship tradition in the province of Alto Ricaurte in the Department of Boyacá? The project aims to promote dynamic integration of knowledge of designers and craftsmen, through work experiences that sought motivate new generations to perpetuate the crafts, and promote the conservation of regional craft identity. This paper, first presents some theoretical considerations about the concepts of identity, culture, tradition and knowledge dialogue, related to designer-craftsman work. Second, related the theoretical concepts that endured the research action process, that board the project from building dialogues between actors, and where the main axis was the concerted participation.

Author Biographies

  • Claudia Isabel Rojas Rodríguez

    Diseñadora Industrial, Especialista en Salud Ocupacional y Ergonomía. Magíster en Educación. Candidato a
    Doctor en Diseño y Creación. Docente Asociada, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Escuela
    de Diseño Industrial. Coordinadora de Taller 11. Grupo de Investigación en Diseño.

  • Henry Enrique García Solano

    Diseñador Industrial, Especialista en Alta Gerencia en Mercadotecnia, Magister en Hábitat – Estudios en
    vivienda. Docente Asistente, Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia. Escuela de Diseño Industrial.
    Investigador de Taller 11. Grupo de Investigación en Diseño.


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